Academic Open Internet Journal ISSN 1311-4360 |
Volume 21, 2007 |
Optimum Reactive Power Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm
* National Engg College, K.R.Nagar, Kovilpatti, Tuticorin(Dist), Tamilnadu, India
Corresponding Author; P,Subburaj
Dept Of Electrical Engg
National Engg College
K.R Nagar,Kovilpatti
Tuticorin(Dist)Tamil Nadu,
Reactive Power Dispatch, FACTS devices, Genetic Algorithm, line loss.
The purpose of Reactive Power Dispatch is mainly to improve the voltage profile in the system and to minimize the real power transmission loss while satisfying the unit and system constraints. This goal is achieved by proper adjustment of reactive power control variables like Generator bus voltage magnitudes (Vgi), transformer tap settings (ti), reactive power generation of the capacitor bank (Qci). To solve the RPD problem, a number of conventional optimization techniques [1-2] have been proposed. These include the Gradient method, Non-linear Programming (NLP), Quadratic Programming (QP), Linear programming (LP) and Interior point method. Though these techniques have been successfully applied for solving the reactive power dispatch problem, still some difficulties are associated with them. One of the difficulties is the multimodal characteristic of the problems to be handled. Also, due to the non-differential, non-linearity and non-convex nature of the RPD problem, majority of the techniques converge to a local optimum. Recently, Evolutionary Computation techniques like Genetic Algorithm (GA) [3], Evolutionary Programming (EP) [4] and Evolutionary Strategy [5] have been applied to solve the optimal dispatch problem. In this paper, GA based approach has been proposed to solve the RPD problem.
Genetic Algorithm [9, 10] is a general-purpose optimization algorithm based on the mechanics of natural selection and genetics. GA maintains a population of individuals that represent candidate solutions. Each individual is evaluated to give some measure of its fitness to the problem from the objective function. In each generation, a new population is formed by selecting the more fit individuals based on a particular selection strategy.
The introduction of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices in a power system improves the stability, reduces cost of generation and also improves the loadability of the system. Optimal placement of multiple FACTS devices will naturally control the overall reactive power requirements. Due to high cost of FACTS devices, it is important to decide their optimal placement to meet the desired objective. GA based approach is suggested for optimal placement of the FACTS devices.
List of Symbols
Pi, Qi Real and Reactive Powers injected at bus i
Gij, Bij Mutual conductance and susceptance between
bus i and j
Gii, Bii Self-conductance and susceptance of bus i
Qgi Reactive power generation at bus i
Qci Reactive power generated by ith capacitor bank
tk Tap setting of transformer at branch k
Vi Voltage magnitude at bus i
qij Voltage angle difference between bus i and j
Sl Apparent power flow through the lth branch
gk Conductance of branch k
NB Total number of buses
NB-1 Total Number of buses excluding slack bus
NPQ Number of PQ buses
Ng Number of generator buses
Nc Number of capacitor banks
NT Number of tap-setting transformer branches
Nl Number of branches in the system
NTCSC Number of TCSC
XTCSC Reactance of TCSC
Xline Reactance of the transmission line
Xci Coefficient, which represents the degree of
Compensation by TCSC
The objective of RPD is to identify the reactive power control variables, which minimizes the real power loss (Ploss) of the system. This is mathematically stated as follows:
Minimize F= [f1]
The reactive power optimization problem is subjected to the following constraints.
These constraints represent load flow equation such as
These constraints represent the system operating constraints. Generator bus voltages (Vgi), reactive power generated by the capacitor (Qci), transformer tap setting (tk), are control variables and they are self restricted. Load bus voltages (Vload) reactive power generation of generator (Qgi) and line flow limit (Sl) are state variables, whose limits are satisfied by adding a penalty terms in the objective function. These constraints are formulated as
(i) Voltage limits
(ii) Generator reactive power capability limit
(iii) Capacitor reactive power generation limit
(iv) Transformer tap setting limit
(v) Transmission line flow limit
FACTS Devices
As power transfer grows, the power system can become increasingly more difficult to operate, and the system becomes more insecure with unscheduled power flows and higher losses. The rapid development of self-commutated semiconductor devices, have made it possible to design power electronic equipments. These equipments are well known as Flexible AC Transmission systems (FACTS) devices [7]. Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) is a capacitive reactance compensator, which consists of a series capacitor bank shunted by a thyristor-switched reactor to provide a stepwise control of series capacitive reactance.
Fig 1. TCSC Module
The TCSC may have one of the two possible characteristics: capacitive or inductive, respectively to decrease or increase the reactance of the line Xline. The rating of TCSC is depending on the reactance of the transmission line where the TCSC is located:
Xmin = -0.5 Xmax = 0.5
Some members of new population undergo genetic operations to form new solutions. The three commonly used operations are reproduction, crossover and mutation. This section briefly describes the various components of GA.
The reproduction operator is a probabilistic selection in which strings are selected so as to produce offspring based on their fitness value. There are number of selection methods such as fitness proportionate selection, ranking and tournament selection. Tournament selection is used in this work. In tournament selection, ‘n’ individuals are selected randomly from the population, and the best of the ‘n’ is inserted into the new population for further genetic processing. This procedure is repeated until the mating pool is filled.
Crossover operation
The crossover operator is mainly responsible for the global search property of the GA. The operator basically combines substructures of two parent chromosomes to produce new structures, with the chosen probability (Pc). Crossover can occur at single position (single crossover) or at a number of different positions (multiple crossover). In RPD problem, two point crossover is used in which two crossover sites are randomly chosen and offspring’s are produced by swapping the bits after the chosen crossover sites.
The final genetic operator in the algorithm is mutation. The mutation operator is used to inject new genetic materials into the population. Bitwise mutation is performed here which switches a few randomly chosen bits from 1 to 0 (or) 0 to 1 with a small probability (Pm). After mutation, the new generation is complete and the procedure begins again with the fitness evaluation of the population.
Genetic Algorithm implementation for RPD problem
When applying GA’s to solve a particular optimization problem, two main issues must be addressed.
(i) Representation of the decision variables
(ii) Formation of the fitness function
These issues are explained in the subsequent section.
In the RPD problem, the elements of the solution consist of the control variables namely, Generator bus voltage (Vgi), reactive power generated by the capacitor (QCi), and transformer tap settings (tk). These variables are represented as binary strings in the GA population. The length of the binary strings is based on their actual value to obtain accurate solution. The binary strings are randomly generated as shown below.
10001 10111 ...... 11111 110 110
....... 001
11011 11011 ..... 11000
In the RPD problem, the objective is to minimize the total real power loss while satisfying the constraints (2) to (8). For each individual, the equality constraints are satisfied by running Newton-Raphson algorithm and the constraints on the state variables are taken into consideration by adding penalty function to the objective function. With the inclusion of the penalty factors, the new objective function then becomes,
Generally, GA searches for a solution with maximum fitness function value. Hence, the minimization objective function given in (9) is transformed into a fitness function (f) to be maximized as,
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed technique, minimization of real power loss under two conditions, without and with FACTS devices were considered. The validity of the proposed Genetic Algorithm technique is demonstrated on IEEE 30 and IEEE 118-bus systems.
The IEEE 30-bus system has 6 generator buses, 24 load buses and 41 transmission lines of which four branches are with the tap setting transformers. The real power settings are taken from [1]. The lower voltage magnitude limits at all buses are 0.95 p.u. and the upper limits are 1.1 for all the PV buses and 1.05 p.u. for all the PQ buses and the reference bus. The lower and upper limits of the transformer tappings are 0.9 and 1.1 p.u. respectively. The capacitor bank rating is set as 0-20 MVAR. The optimal settings of GA control parameters are given below:
Maximum generation : 60
Population size : 30
Crossover Probability (Pc) : 0.7
Mutation Probability (Pm) : 0.01
Minimization of Real Power Loss (Ploss)
The proposed algorithm is applied for loss minimization in the base condition i) without considering FACTS devices, ii) with the inclusion of FACTS devices. Without FACTS devices, the algorithm
reaches a minimum loss of 4.58 MW. Fig 2 shows the power losses at different generation levels. The optimal values of the control variables obtained are given in the second column of Table 1 and it was found that all the state variables corresponding to these control variables satisfy their limits. The loss obtained is less than the value reported in [1, 2] for the same real power settings. The location of TCSC was found out using Genetic Algorithm. Initially, TCSC placed in minimum number of locations does not reduces the loss significantly. The placement of TCSC in five lines gives the optimum loss as 4.45 MW.
Table 1.Optimal
control variables for IEEE 30-Bus
T11 T12 T15 T36 |
1.0750 1.1000 1.0750 0.9250 |
1.0750 1.0750 1.1000 0.9250 |
Qc10 Qc12 Qc15 Qc17 Qc20 Qc21 Qc23 Qc24 Qc27 |
13.333 3.4921 3.4921 9.5238 0.6349 11.111 0.0000 1.2698 4.4444
0.3175 6.3492 2.8571 7.3016 10.158 18.730 0.0000 0.0000 3.8095 |
Ploss(MW) |
4.58 |
4.45 |
Control Variables |
Optimal Control Variable settings |
Case1 Min (Ploss) |
Without FACTS |
With FACTS |
Vg1 Vg2 Vg5 Vg8 Vg11 Vg13 |
1.0435 1.0371 1.0129 1.0226 0.9790 0.9984 |
1.0500 1.0419 1.0226 1.0226 0.9694 0.9790 |
Fig 2. Loss versus Generation curve for RPD problem
The IEEE 118-bus system has 54 generator buses, 64 load buses and 186 transmission lines of which nine branches are with the tap setting transformers. Minimization of real power loss is taken as the objective function. The algorithm reaches a minimum loss of 139.16 MW. The placement of TCSC in five lines gives the optimum loss as 137.5 MW. The optimal values of the control variables obtained are given in Table 2
Table 2. Optimal control variables for IEEE 118-Bus System
Control Variables |
Without FACTS |
With FACTS |
Vg1 Vg4 Vg 6 Vg 8 Vg 10 Vg 12 Vg15 Vg 18 Vg 19 Vg 24 Vg 25 Vg 26 Vg 27 Vg 31 Vg 32 Vg 34 Vg 36 Vg 40 Vg 42 Vg 46 Vg 49 Vg 54 Vg 55 Vg 56 Vg 59 Vg 61 Vg 62 Vg 65 Vg 66 Vg 69 Vg 70 Vg72 Vg 73 Vg 74 Vg 76 Vg 77 Vg 80 Vg 85 Vg 87 Vg 89 Vg 90 Vg 91 Vg 92 Vg 99 Vg 100 Vg 103 Vg 104 Vg 105 Vg 107 Vg 110 Vg 111 Vg 112 Vg113 Vg116 |
0.9865 0.9865 1.0019 1.0252 1.0019 0.9942 1.0097 0.9903 1.0019 0.9477 1.0174 1.0213 1.0213 0.9981 1.0019 1.0213 1.0174 1.0058 0.9477 1.0445 1.0135 0.9671 0.9594 0.9632 0.9787 0.9942 0.9981 1.0368 1.0252 0.9826 0.9826 0.9787 1.0019 0.9555 0.9555 0.9710 0.9787 0.9632 1.0600 0.9981 0.9439 0.9865 0.9865 0.9826 1.0019 1.0058 1.0135 1.0097 0.9903 1.0174 1.0213 1.0406 1.0135 1.0058 |
0.9461 0.9828 0.9852 1.0007 1.0176 0.9767 1.0087 1.0195 0.9936 0.9842 1.0238 1.0266 1.0073 0.9795 1.0002 0.9626 0.9546 1.0355 1.0256 0.9598 1.0421 0.9819 0.9871 0.9824 0.9856 0.9984 0.9824 1.0129 1.0313 1.0534 1.0049 1.0059 1.0591 0.9786 1.0313 1.0209 1.0040 0.9932 0.9692 1.0299 0.9993 1.0158 0.9988 1.0346 0.9974 1.0064 0.9908 0.9955 1.076 0.9899 0.9616 1.0054 1.0454 1.0040 |
T8 T32 T36 T51 T93 T95 T102 T107 T127 |
1.0250 1.0000 0.9250 0.9500 1.1000 1.0500 1.0500 0.9750 0.9500 |
1.0000 1.0000 0.9500 1.0750 0.9250 0.9750 0.9750 0.9250 0.9500 |
Qc34 Qc37 Qc44 Qc45 Qc46 Qc48 Qc74 Qc79 Qc82 Qc83 Qc107 Qc110 |
1.2698 0.6349 7.9365 18.4127 11.111 0.3175 5.7143 12.063 9.2063 1.2698 9.5238 0.3175 |
18.0952 18.4127 20.0000 5.7143 1.2698 17.7778 6.3492 20.0000 4.1270 15.8730 18.7302 9.2063 |
Ploss(MW) |
139.96 |
137.54 |
In this paper, Genetic Algorithm technique has been presented and applied to solve RPD problem where minimization of real power loss is taken as the objectives. The feasibility of the proposed method for RPD is demonstrated on IEEE 30 and IEEE 118-bus system with promising results. Simulation results show that GA based reactive power dispatch algorithm is able to minimize the power loss in the system. Also, it is found that the results of GA technique are better than that obtained using other conventional methods.
Fig 3. IEEE-30 Bus System
Fig 4. IEEE-118 Bus System
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